Tuesday, December 2, 2008

10am on a Tuesday Morning

Asher's got it right. I can think on nothing better to do on a Tuesday morning than to study a caterpillar's act of gluttony, clutch fast to my fairy wand, and practice hopeful optimism that one day I can turn myself into a ravishing butterfly as well, all while sporting my sister's pink high heels.

Asher reading The Hungry Catapiller

This is the life.


H said...

Oh Jaylee, get that boy some trucks. You have so much ammunition on him already, do you really need to rub his face in it?!

Sorry about your canker sore. I'll stay away so I don't get frickin' yelled at.

Monica said...

I love this!

Monique said...

He's quiet isn't he? ;)

proud parents said...

That is precious funny! Please tell me that you're not the kind of mom who will show this to his prom date!