Friday, November 28, 2008

Something I've been thinking about lately

Lately, I've been feeling like I'm a lousy friend. I'm awful at nurturing relationships. I'm capable and willing, but time and ignorance prevent me. I never feel I lack for friends, which causes me to have a terrible habit of taking friendships for granted. What's the best way to show those you care about that you still value them?


proud parents said...

Tell them

proud parents said...

You and I are polar opposites. I've been dying to show a friend affection and pamper them senseless with friendnessing (yes, I am aware this word doesn't exist, but it fits). Alas, I feel like I don't have any!

Heather said...

come visit them in central PHX on friday or in mesa on saturday with a cold caffeine free diet coke.

i'm just saying is would do it for me.

FYI, I don't feel neglected by you. I really enjoy all the time I have with you and your late afternoon phone calls. and of course our ever exciting art meetings!

H said...

True friendships don't need nuturing and often times are taken for granted. That's how you know your friendship will last. I know you're there if I need you and won't hesitate to call or stop by. Hopefully you feel the same about me! Friendships don't "require" daily contact, but sometimes things just work out that way. Other times once a year seems like just yesterday.

Anonymous said...

You're a fine friend. Quit your sappin' and take me out for Sushi while ignoring your husband.
The Loser

Diana said...

Money. ;)

Ed and Bel said...

Call them.

Monica said...

A flight to Colorado for more than 2 days.

Jenny D. said...

The question is, what do YOU like your friends to do for you? I find it's usually the same thing your friends would like/appreciate in return.

Sorry to hear about your canker sore. You could have just told me that instead of using Asher as an excuse to get off the phone!!! Can you get a prescription for something stronger than anbesol?